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Retina Care

The practice of Hadi Zambarakji

Advice sheet following intravitreal Lucentis, Avastin, Eylea or Ozurdex


You had an injection into the eye with one of the agents named above. Your next review will be in 3-6 weeks time. You are asked to report urgently any of the following signs of infection or other complications (especially if any develop within 24 hours of the injection). Please note that severe infection may also develop in the 5 days after the injection (usually on day 1 or 2), but very rarely after 5 days.

  • Pain
  • Blurred vision or decreased vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Redness of the eye (the eye may be slightly red after the injection and the next day, however, mild discomfort is normal
  • Discharge from the eye

If you are not able to contact your Ophthalmologist, please report to your local eye casualty or the main casualty department (outside working hours) immediately.

Please note that it is normal to feel some mild discomfort in the eye after the injection or to see a small bubble that moves inside the eye, which will soon disappear.

Basic advice

  1. You must NOT rub the eyes
  2. You must NOT swim for three days after each injection
  3. You must use the chloramphenicol or exocin eye drops 4 times a day after the injection


Telephone numbers

Please call Molly Mapp on 020 7637 3771 (office) or 07947 578480 (mobile). For emergencies please contact Mr H.J. Zambarakji through the hospital switchboard.


Prepared by Mr. H.J. Zambarakji
Consultant Ophthalmic surgeon



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